Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Open Fan Shawl

After I finished this shawl this winter, my creativity just went into hibernation and my energy level went down the drain. This past winter seems to be the longest one that I remember. But I'm so glad that Spring is finally here, well, hopefully, no more cold spells. No energy no crochet. I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things (crochet) but, then there are the seeds that need to be planted and I really want to spend more time in the sunshine. I missed it so much!


  1. Hope you enjoyed the sunshine! Seems to have run out now..hope you get your mojo back soon. I need to improve my crochet instead of just staying in my comfort zone, so I've asked my daughters to pick a project they want me to make, the more complicated the better....so far one's chosen a teddy bear..lol, I don't like making toys. That will teach me to open my big mouth.:)

  2. Hi,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the encouraging words. Yes, I feel so much better now that Spring/Summer is here. I'll try to get back into crochet and knitting. I started to knit a teddy bear. I have the body done and started making the head but then I stopped. That was last winter.

    You made me smile with your post so, thank you. Come and visit with me on facebook sometime, if you want. It gets lonely on this blog since I seldom get any feedback, even after I put out a pattern or something.

    I hope you have a good day.
