October 29, 2009
A Beautiful Landscape Made by Unseen Hands
I'm walking in this beautiful picture. The glorious colors of foliage surrounding me everywhere......reds, yellows, greens and browns in varying shades met my eyes. I thought, I wish I have the ability to capture all these and express them in a canvas, somehow my camera does not capture the breath-taking beauty of what I'm seeing. But who can duplicate the beauty that God has created?
As I walk, a squirrel scampered away in the nearby woods, climbing up a small tree trunk and looked at me with, ooh, so innocent eyes. A bird that I used to know flew away from under the low bushes and made its warning calls. A Wood Wren also flew away and perched on a twig nearby turning this way and that way with its birdy manners.
Ah.... I love the aromatic smell of the decaying twigs and leaves; and of pines and deciduous tree saps fermenting on the ground. The earth is making its fragrant incense and censing the woodlands and anyone who strolls by. Who can comprehend the magnificence of the Creator? Much less explain Him using the loftiest human thoughts and knowledge? Ah, I am but a speck of dust, hardly visible, in His vast canvas of Creation. But here, I am happy not to be seen or known, except in the memory of Him who created me.